June 21, 2020


One of his hands is a bit screwy, but I'm not going to change it.

June 19, 2020

Also Olde

Who is she? I don't know. Drawn many a year ago. She's moved on since then.

June 17, 2020


2008? Hard to read the date there. I deleted too many "successful" drawings from this blog years ago.

June 16, 2020

June 15, 2020


I realize I've done a lot of drawings over the years that I've almost completely driven out of my memory. From 2010? Something new tomorrow, I promise.

June 13, 2020

June 12, 2020


Drawing I did of myself back around that time. Scanned this afternoon, if that makes it feel a bit more current. I miss that breadbox in the background, but sadly it rusted out.

June 11, 2020

June 10, 2020



An old, old one dating from February 1999. This was the storefront of either a bar or liquor store in Modesto, or a combination of the two.

June 7, 2020

June 6, 2020


My drawings are becoming simpler as the world around them grows more complex.

June 3, 2020